National Geographic Christmas card, concept sketch in pencil

National Geographic Christmas card, concept sketch in pencil

Studies for misc. western paintings in pencil

Studies for misc. western paintings in pencil

Watch my video Dennis Lyall Draws on YouTube. I draw Adele and refer to Leonardo.

Watch my video Dennis Lyall Draws on YouTube.
I draw Adele and refer to Leonardo.

Figure Studies from life

Figure Studies from life

Fort Pillow book cover, concept sketch in pencil

Fort Pillow book cover, concept sketch in pencil

It's Human Nature to Draw

It's possible that humans are hard-wired to make drawings. The images left on the walls of caves from the Stone Age are among the first signs that we were starting to develop as thinking beings. Even writing, which is considered one of the cornerstones of cultural growth, is a very stylized form of drawing.

Here are some samples of drawings and sketches that I've created over the years, including a studio sketch with a live model and drawings from photographs, such as from research material that I gathered to create "studies" for book covers and other jobs.  

When we draw, we use our hands and eyes in unison to record the things around us. Drawing can and should be simple, and yet, it often seems downright tricky and confounding.  In my opinion, it's easier to make a good painting than to create a good drawing -- but it’s a lot of fun to keep trying!