Equipment and Supplies for Online Drawing Lessons  

For your online drawing lessons, you will need:

  • A Skype account (if you don't already have one, you can get one -- FREE -- at
  • A camera on your desktop computer, laptop or mobile device. These days, computers often come with built-in cameras, but if your computer does not have one, you can buy one for less than $20 online or at an electronics or department store.
  • Photographs of items to draw. We will start with two-dimensional objects, like those rendered in photographs, because three-dimensional objects are trickier to draw. 
  • A pencil (a basic No. 2 pencil is perfect). Pens are fine, too, but for learning purposes, pencils are recommended.
  • Basic white or off-white, un-lined paper. Copier paper works, or you can get an inexpensive pad of sketch paper at almost any discount department store (Target, Walmart) or an art supply store.
  • A smudging "stump" (optional).